Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Introducing Elsie Carolina Wiliam :D

Let me introduce myself first,,
Here we go,,

Full Name : Elsie Carolina Wiliam

Nick Name : Elsie, Cici

Place & Date of Birth : Tangerang, February, 16 1996

School : Aviation Vocational School of Dirghantara (SMK Penerbangan Dirghantara,Curug)

Hobby : Reading, Writing, Listening my Favorite Songs

Dream : Wanna Be Pilot especially Airbus

FB : Elsie Carolina Wiliam

Twitter : @ElsieCarolinaa

Suggest : God’s dream for your life is bigger than your own. If you’ll stay in faith, He's going to magnify what you’re believing for.

Born to Fly,, really In love with Aviation.. <3

Nice to know you (^-^)

This is ME :D

This is My pictures with My Best Friends :*

 With Ruri Septyorini @mba_UII

With Annida Uswatun @anidaa_uswatun

With Hesti Nurdiansyah @justhestiii

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