Monday, April 14, 2014

Love and Life

We cannot life without love,,
and Life without love will feel empty..
Maybe some people think that in relationship with someone you love is perfect,,
But for someone else love is painful..
That's true,, but we need someone to complete us,, agree??

When you really love someone with all your heart,, even he disappointed you make u sad and your tears start to fall,, you cant even forget him..
Once he give you their attention you will immediately feel a new spirit come..

No matter how hard you try to let it go,, you can say "I can without him",, but really you can do that when you see him?? or just see his smile when he joke and laugh with his friends??

Come on,, in relationship its not about one person.. If he to selfish,, I suggest you to let it go..
He couldn't feel what you feel even you ignore all the guys who want you just for him..
Please say to him "Do I still love you?? Its a yes,, Do I still care for you?? Its a yes too,, Do I still think about you?? Yes, Of course,, But do I want u back?? No.."
You cant rely yourself just to one person..
If he broke you??
If he still don't care about you??
If he hurt you more and more??
Do you still want to stay??
Hey don't be stupid because of one person,, look there someone better wait you..

Let it go,, Life must go on..
Just be good enough to forgive him,, but don't be stupid enough to trust him again.. :)
One day he will realize that he just lost a diamond while he too busy to collecting stones.. :)

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